Pray at The Office


People consist of two part, body and soul. The two part need  nutrition to keep both health. The body nutrition can be supplied from food, drink and drugs. The soul nutrition can be supplied from religion theory, motivation from another people or  gathering with inspirational environment and people. 

Here, i will share to you how the PLN P3B JB workers get the soul nutrition at the office. 

1. One Day One Juz Program

This program sounds similar with one day one juz which held by a dakwah organisation, but the implementation is different.  one day one juz  programs purposes is to keep the spirit of reading Al Quran among the worker by reading Al Quran every morning, before work time starts.

as we know, jakarta is very crowded and has bad traffic. some worker desire to go work earlier in order to avoid the traffic. They go at 6.00  am from home and arrive at office at 7.30.  Since  the work time starts at 8.00 am, they have 10-15 minutes to read AL Quran in our musholla. No matter how much pages or ayat of Al Quran  they’ve read, they will note it at a form. Sometimes we make an appointment with other what pages we will read.

we hope, the accumulation of the pages or ayat of Al Quran that read by worker can reach one juz on one day.

Starts our day with Al Quran. 🙂




reading Al Quran together


the checklist form

2. Ashar prayer together  (jamaah) and continue by Syarah Riyadhus shalihin readings

Ashar prayer time at jakarta is about 3 pm.  Most of worker have finished their work and prepare to go home. Before go home, we held ashar prayer together at our building musholla and continue with  syarah riyadhus sholihin readings by a volunteer.

The volunteer reader reads the hadith from syarah riyadhus sholihin book and another jamaah listen carefully. Syarah riyadhus sholihin is a good book, easy to be understood and applicable in our whole life.

“Majelis ‘ilm is  gardens of heaven”


reading riyadhus sholihin after ashar prayer


3.  Prayer together on control room (special for shift worker)

as a shift worker who control the electricity in Jawa Bali and ensure the electricity is delivered to your home, we must not leave control room,  at least one of three shift worker must standby to pick up the phone, control the electricity flow and maintain the quality of electricity.

Jamaah prayer is a must for moslem (some ulama say sunnah) except we have an obstacle.  Jamaah worth 27 times to lone prayer. In order to get the eminence of jamaah, we effort to keep jamaah prayer on control room.

sholat jamah di control room

jamaah on the control room

4. Routine islamic study on Baitul Ihsan Mosque, every wednesday

Every wednesday, after dhuhur prayer, there is routine islamic study on our beloved mosque, Baitul Ihsan. The theme is varies and presented by several ustadz. Ustadz Farid Nu’man presents lesson about tazkiyatun nufs, ustadz Muhsinin presents about keluarga sakinah and etc. The audience not only from PLN but aslo the jamaah from surrounding mosque, the student of SMK Utama and etc.

pengajian rabu

5. Special event gathering

When a special event happened, especially religious event, we also held an activities . Some gathering we’ve held are “khataman qur’an’ , “syukuran haji’and etc. The event held simply,for example when celebrated khataman quran we just bought some food and ate together after read juz 30. Very simple event, but believe me, it works for bounding one and other.

syukuran one day one juz


Our management totally support the activities. They believe that the best worker is who can balance their nutrition, body and soul, both. 

I believe most of you have a religious activities on work. Dont be hesitate to share. This is my story, and you?

*blogger missions accomplished*


5 thoughts on “Pray at The Office

  1. Subhanallah. Kalau pegawai pemerintah kita pada ODOJ, ga kebayang bagaimana hebatnya bangsa ini.
    Dan saya belum sanggup. Oh, manusia emang paling banyak beralasan.

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